Tips for graduate jobs. What to do with a graduate CV?
There are loads of graduate jobs out there if you know where to look but that’s not the problem. The problem is that you might not have a lot of work experience. So what do you do with your CV is there’s not much on it?
Well, one of the best tips we have is to upload your CV to websites and just wait. Instead of stressing yourself with sending out hundreds of job applications - let them come to you!
If you’re looking for space jobs in particular then we might know someone who can help - sign up to Space Individuals and upload your CV here!
Talk to your network!
There are often times where getting a graduate job is nothing to do with what you know but who you know instead. The fairness of this practice is up for debate but a lot of people get their first jobs through the power of word of mouth so you should not turn your nose up at this often-overlooked method of getting a job. If you know people who are already working in a company and you think you would like to work there then tell them! Just ask them to spread the word that you’re looking for a job and that you’re talented and motivated!
Some companies even offer a bonus to people for finding a recruit so you might be making there day and helping them too!
Make yourself even more employable
This probably sounds easier said than done and it probably comes off as an annoying tip but we don’t mean it to be. Thousands and thousands of applicants have good grades and academic prowess but it isn’t enough for some - get out there and get some work experience: volunteer at a shelter, get some free online qualifications related to your career, write a book or start a blog. Do anything to increase your uniqueness to the potential employer!
Research before applying
To truly impress a potential employer, it is vital to show that you have a genuine interest in what they’re doing. Whether it's in the early stages of a job application or when you've moved through the interview stage, doing thorough research on the business is sure to help you land a job.
Not only this, but after spending an hour or so reading about a company, the work they do, and the position you are applying for, we can guarantee that your cover letter will be much easier to adapt, and much more likely. to stand out.
The whole team here at Space Individuals wishes you the best of luck in your job hunt and we are sure someone will need your skills to take off. 🚀